OVER World Graffiti Trading Cards, with series 1 and 2 available, having 21 cards in each full set. 7$ for a pack of 6. First off-these are magnets; pretty substantial, looks good on the fridge, although it really only holds a couple sheets of paper up at a time.
But so what? These ain't meant for holding honeydew lists and coupons on that fridge...These are to be enjoyed by writers all over the world/OVER WORLD? See? Anyways one thing I know is that these cards are not catchin the hype they deserve. The quality of the cards themselves ought to bring shine; I just think not enough people have heard of these cards, and then the price might put some people off. It shouldn't though... These cards are definitely worth the ched to cop. Peep the online store.. The cat bringing all this to you, his name is Felix.
The pieces on the face of these cards will represent most of the writers talents well, but I'm sure there's always someone who dislikes their choice. A'course we are our own worst critics, so it's to be expected. The back of the card is a little blurb written by the artists themselves. Most have their crews represented, along with the place they write home(West Coast, Australia, Ireland, etc), along with an eMail addy or Website. The blurb may practically break down a writers entire graff experience, or, as Dvate from Melborn offered: "No Comment No Comment No Comment". The lack of cohesiveness to the blurbs seems to be the only off-puttn thing about the cards, although for coming out the box yo-these things are dope.
What really needs to happen is that actual shops need to pick these up, and then just start to get cards out so heads really know what these are like. I got a few, and everyone who sees them think they're dope.
What really needs to happen is that actual shops need to pick these up, and then just start to get cards out so heads really know what these are like. I got a few, and everyone who sees them think they're dope.
Bottom line is they are pricey only because paying seven bucks for anything these days is pricey,shit.
But if someone is willing to pay 5$-10$ for a magazine, then that head ought to grab a pack of these next time they order something. And stores need to realize and grab these up.
Big Ups to Mr. Felix for putting these out, they are dope. What I'd like to see is the 3rd series. So far there have been about 40 artists showcased, and I could name about a thousand more that ought to be.
They are worth the charge, so peep'em out. Peace to the heads for Supporting the Real.
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